The first instalment of the Shawn McQueen trilogy. The story of two surfers, a brahma bull rider and a country western singer who all learn that sometimes you just have to believe when a country western singer who’s never known her parents or background is united with her grandparents after a series of seemingly unrelated events. Inhabiting that diaphanous, gravity bereft state are: Bullrider RJ Tibbs, singer Gina Zane and surfer Shawn McQueen – All young, all lost and all alone. Each will attest that God doesn’t exist until the intervention of Dale Velzy, surfer, shaper, merchant seaman and cowboy and a mysterious Indian Medicine Man known as ‘Smoke’. As a love story it explores filial, parental and romantic manifestations of the world’s only renewable resource – Love.
Hum it – You’ll feel better
Sing it – Those near you will smile
Live it – You’ll become a part of the miracle as it becomes the anthem of mankind.
Genre: Action Thriller
Buy on Amazon as paperback or ebook – The Ballad of Sara Zane (The Shawn McQueen trilogy Book 1)
Nov 28, 2019