Adam Gearhart is a big brother. Chance is his ‘accident looking for a place to happen’ little brother. Adam blames himself for Chance’s accident prone tendencies. Shawn is their meth-amphetamine addicted fugitive nephew, that grew up without enough of either of their time and influence. What good could possibly come from a peyote shaman and Grey Wolf, his ancient father? Is Adam as stark raving mad as an altered Chance believes? Will a night in a shallow cave fending off pterodactyls be enough to change the course two young men’s lives? Adam’s Gramma was a full blood Sioux and her mother had been a renegade with scalps on her belt. Real or imagined? What that night on the desert reveals reality might surprise you.
Genre: Action Thriller
Buy on Amazon as an ebook – BROTHERS – Mike Davis
Jul 9, 2013